正式版http2规格标准叫做RFC 7540,发布于2015年5月15日:https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7540.txt
1.1 关于作者
我的名字叫做Daniel Stenberg,在Mozilla工作。在过去20年,我一直致力于开源事业,参与了多个网络方面的项目。可能我最广为人知的身份是curl和libcurl的首席开发者。同时,我也参与了IETF HTTPbis工作组多年,工作在HTTP 1.1和http2标准化的一线.
Email: daniel@haxx.se
Twitter: @bagder
Web: daniel.haxx.se
Blog: daniel.haxx.se/blog
1.2 帮助我!
1.3 许可证
这篇文档基于Createive Commons Attribution 4.0发布: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
1.4 文档历史
Version 1.13
Converted the master version of this document to Markdown syntax
13: Mention more resources, updated links and descriptions
12: Updated the QUIC description with reference to draft
8.5: Refreshed with current numbers
3.4: The average is now 40 TCP connections
6.4: Updated to reflect what the spec says
Version 1.12
1.1: HTTP/2 is now in an official RFC
6.5.1: Link to the HPACK RFC
9.1: Mention the Firefox 36+ config switch for http2
12.1: Added section about QUIC
Version 1.11
Lots of language improvements mostly pointed out by friendly contributors
8.3.1: Mention nginx and Apache httpd specific acitivities
Version 1.10
1: The protocol has been “okayed”
4.1: Refreshed the wording since 2014 is last year
Front: Added image and call it “http2 explained” there, fixed link
1.4: Added document history section
Many spelling and grammar mistakes corrected
14: Added thanks to bug reporters
2.4: Better labels for the HTTP growth graph
6.3: Corrected the wagon order in the multiplexed train
6.5.1: HPACK draft-12
Version 1.9
Updated to HTTP/2 draft-17 and HPACK draft-11
Added section "10. http2 in Chromium" (== one page longer now)
Lots of spell fixes
At 30 implementations now
8.5: Added some current usage numbers
8.3: Mention internet explorer too
8.3.1 Added "missing implementations"
8.4.3: Mention that TLS also increases success rate
Last updated
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